St John’s is the bigger of our two churches. It’s located in the south of Oxford, in New Hinksey, close to the lake, Hinksey Park, and the beginning of Wytham Street. It was built in 1899/1900 by design of the famous architects William Bucknall and Ninian Comper. It was originally intended to be twice as long, but thankfully the church land behind the church now serves as our school’s playground on weekdays, and additional parking space for the church on Sundays and other happy occasions.
St John the Evangelist is a grade II listed building, has a stunning ceiling, some beau+ful architectural feats, and is open every day between 9am-5pm for anyone to sit, admire, meditate and/or pray.
The architecture and designs are meant to help raise our hearts and minds to heaven, and aid us in our worship of the Creator of heaven and earth. When you come to one our services, you may find it all rather dramatic – which is quite on purpose. Our vestments, incense, music, and preaching are all meant to aid us in worshipping and getting to know the mystery that God is. Do join us if you can.
There is free and ample parking at church. A toilet for practical needs is available, and we are particularly gifted in providing hospitality and a friendly welcome to new and familiar faces at St John’s. Do test that resolve and let us know your thoughts…
Services at St John’s
Sunday 10:45am Solemn Eucharist Monday – Saturday 8:30am Morning Prayer Monday 10:30am Mass Wednesday 7:00pm Mass